2014 – Live interface controlling timbre and pitch for composing and performing in real time!
This sequencer features a flexible timbre tool; the user can select a timbral envelope on the screen which is multiplied into every note that the user has selected in the sequence. In the standard pitch sequencing mode, it is possible to add and subtract beats and pitches as demonstrated in the video above.

h | print this help message
s | toggle fullscreen
n | note add/subtract mode
b | beat add/subtract mode
> | add notes or beats
< | subtract notes or beats
z | toggle to home-edit view or timbre-edit view
q | quit MEDITATE c.2.0
Click to activate and deactivate units.
Green view is the sequencer view, purple is the timbre view.
Original idea now saved for the future: I thought it would be interesting to make a sequencer that could have simultaneous streams running at different tempi, with different durations, and with different timbres. I envisioned the working screen to look something like the drawing below, where each beat can have its own pitch, EQ, and volume. Polyrhythms and auditory stream segregation could be explored with this flexible layering system and showcase unconventional uses of a sequencer.